Tuesday, 28 February 2012


Master R leads a busy life for the amount of years that he has been around. Basically my life is busy because his life is busy. 
Not that I wouldn't change it for anything, although some of the fees for somethings could be less just saying.

This morning was swimming... fabulous we both love the water and the pool that he goes to is a real pool not like some centres where they make adults get into the kiddies pool and you feel like a duck who cant float properly because your knees are near your ears and you rear end is near your heels.


As the lesson was progressing I realised that I was the only one who was actively involved and encouraging my son to participate in the actual lesson. 
All the other parents and I mean all three of them its not a big class were having there own convos and the like which is fine but enough becomes enough when I am the one saving their child from drowning because they were facing the other parent full on and were deep in conversation. sigh

I don't know perhaps Ive got this wrong. 
Maybe I'm a little over baring/protective/mollycoddley...responsible
But as I said we pay a lot of money for these lessons and there is no way Master R is drowning not participating on my watch.

I might add the parent didn't even notice my amazing feat of brilliance in saving her child.
Tho Master R did and he said "good job Mumma" that's a tick of approval if I ever did hear one.

Tara x

Monday, 27 February 2012

Mold-able Sand anyone?

Hello again!
{have to say I am a bit excited to see so many page views THANKS}
Anyways back to business...

Its been HOT and HECTIC in our little house over the last few days. So we spent yesterday (Sunday) at home for some well earned RnR and some 'us' time.

Master R seemed to enjoy being at home all day in the cool thank goodness.

Yesterday we did loads of activities together to try and keep cool and entertained.

One that I think is worth a mention, I came across this on Pinterest (big shout out for pinterest) if you haven't had a look yet I suggest you trundle off and have a look after you've finished reading here of course.

Master R wanted to build SAND CASTLES but our sand was so dry that it just wasn't working and I had remembered the above mentioned pin.

SO we made mold-able flour

It literally took no more then a minute to put together and all it was 8 cups of plain flour and 1 cup of baby oil.


I added some plastic cups, some spoons and different size measuring cups and we were good to go

It makes fabulous 'Sand Castles' and smells good to!

So good to scoop
Even Dad joined in...
It was good apparently have to love a WIN with the BIG kids as well

We made tunnels

AND even ventured in with our toes
We all played with it for about an hour and it made a fabulous mess. But lucky it was just flour if it was sand Id be still finding it everywhere I walked (blah).
We have put it away for another day...But there was already a request for it this morning so who knows we might have it back out this arvo.

How do you keep cool and calm on really hot days? Would love to hear your activities.

Thanks again for stopping by.

Thursday, 23 February 2012

It Begins...

Okay, I'm here! 
It's begun!
A new chapter of my life, something that I have been thinking about doing for quite some time and have been suggested that I do.. so I thought I'd give it a try.

Let me introduce myself a little...

I'm Tara, I'm a mum and a wife which is the MOST amazing experience in the whole world.

I love a good laugh, have weird sense of humor and have been told I laugh like my Dad (love).

I cant help but be messy its just how I roll so just popping in for a cuppa could be lethal.

I hate doing dishes but I guess they have to be done... sigh...

I bake and cook when I'm sad and I bake and cook when I'm happy so our over sized pants are well paid for. lol

I am all kinds of obsessed with taking photos of pretty much everything and anything. My iPhone cries for charging and my point and shoot was so over it that it died just before Christmas (how dare it).

I am Project Lifer

I will (and plan to use) this space to talk about 
  • The activities that we do as a family
  • The art, crafts and activities that my son (Master R) and I do in our everyday life. 
  • Crafts that I do for myself. 
  • Foods that we cook 
  • And fun that we create!

I really hope you stick with me while I learn to drive this new area of my life.

Any thoughts, suggestions or comments are more then welcome. Actually I would love to hear from you so please introduce yourselves.

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