Wednesday, 27 June 2012

Whats six months between friends?

Today was the first day I had been in attendance of a mothers group get together in roughly six months. 
I was shocked by that when I had worked it out. We have seen each other I just haven't been to anything during the week on the 'official' mothers group day.

So many reasons why I haven't been, I have my own personal issues which I have shared with you all maybe once or twice before but its always a little deeper then that. 

Regardless of what ever the reasons and besides the fact not every one was there, it was so so SO good.

Good for me
Good for the soul.
Good for Master R.

Just plain good.

We didn't talk about me and my issues. I didn't feel poked and prodded with questions of my next step or have I tried certain different things or I should be taking 2 aspirins and do a jog around the bedroom before getting into bed. yes I have been told that.

Master R enjoyed himself immensely. The swings, the slide, the squishy grass, the bikes, the bubbles and even the sun was out so that we could go for a walk down to the park and the children could go for a play. The children played so beautifully.
and why wouldn't they, 
It was a good day.

Sunday, 24 June 2012

Woooo I get to play along too...

So hows this right...
I was remembered!!! ITS A BIG DEAL!
I was trawling through my go to blogs this morning and as I came across Stacey-Lee from Get On With It Already. She had been given an 'award' from another blogger and was asked to answer some questions and share some random facts. As I was thinking, that's a really cool idea I came to the bottom where she had tagged some other people from other blogs and I was there!!!! Super excited to be remembered and involved! I love being in the loop! lol.

Soooo here goes.

My Favourite song- its so hard to pick one it truly depends on my mood like truly ruly does depend. Jack Johnson is on high rotation in this house. He's in the stacker in the car, he's on all the iPods AND the cds welllll... we have them too. But if the world was ending and I had to pick one song JUST one to save the place I would pick... ummmm.... well to pick one was just to hard so I picked two. My friend Steph{ hi Stephi }will know how hard that was for me! lol

Jack Johnson- Angel
Can you believe there is no official video for this song. Enter shocked face. So this is the best one I found...

I walked down the aisle to this song
Jack Johnson - If I had Eyes
I walked back UP the aisle to this song.

My favourite Dessert - Have to say I'm not a big dessert eater. When we were growing up things like coco pops or weet bix were dessert. But I am partial for the occasional just baked cookie with a cup of hot Australian Afternoon Tea. OR Apple Crumble with Double Dolloped Cream. Why do things by halves I say.

When I'm Upset, What do I do - I sulk, as I'm sure most people do. But once I have a bit of clarity I hit the kitchen turn the music RIGHT UP and 'get my wog on' as my Husband says and I get my biggest pots and pans and make things like spag bol, lasagna, soup, grab the cook books and cook ANYTHING that takes time and has lots of steps to get to the end.

My Favourite Pet -  We have two dogs now at the moment, Tessah & Duke.
They are great

Duke is my Staffy. He is amazing literally amazing.
Tessah is my Tessah and nothing else. She is a Border Collie cross Malamute. Yep, you read that right. She's big and she has attitude, but she is so darn clever.
BUT my all time favourite pet is Diesel, from when we were kids. BEST.DOG.EVER.

Black or White -
I dont know.
If I had to choose. Black. But it depends on lots of things. Like if I'm wearing black pants, then it would be white. I'm a complicated being.

Biggest Fear- Any, and I mean ANY harm coming to my family or my friends. But on a less complex level I am petrified of the dark and caves. Caves are a whole other story.

What's my attitude -  HA! well it depends on who you ask...
So I asked a couple of people,
My Husband... said I'm quirky I think hes being polite he really means crazy
I'm Arrogant, {yep, he said that} I like things done a certain way. 
And I'm sympathetic.
Note to self... Don't ask husband to describe my attitude. OUCH!
I asked Steph {hi again} and I thought she would say that I am a prude, and a bitch. But she loves my guts for who I am, I have heard it so many times before but I asked her anyways.
She came back with... 
"hmmm you mean your horrible mean bitchy attitude?? or your tough exterior with soft gooey inside attitude?? OR your purple-'loving' attitude??? whys that???... then I told her it was for a blog post
So then she came back again with...
your attitude is a unique one. You can be tough but fair, stubborn but forgiving, positive for others and negative on yourself, so contradictory in many ways. But essentially you have a very laid back, open minded and funny attitude. Its quite hard to describe you.

I think I like her answer better.

What is perfection- okay. I could write extending my family, have a tribe of kids... that what your expecting BUT perfection TO ME is having all my friends over, the kids playing NICELY, good food, good drinks and good laughs. They are what I hold onto when I am feeling low. They help me more then any of my friends will ever know.

Guilty Pleasure- Spoiling Ronan. I know right? LAME but seriously we dont do it a lot and seeing his face when we take him on a special 'date' and him loving every minute is

10 random facts about me

  1. I despise the colour purple. Don't ask.
  2. My hair is always up.
  3. I dont have my ears pierced and never EVER have.
  4. I have tattoos... people are surprised by that. I dont know why, they just are.
  5. I feel guilty when I shop for things for myself. Regardless of what it is.
  6. I have PCOS. WHICH is a tough, TOUGH subject for me. It also means I may not be able to have another child. ALSO another tough subject.
  7. I wear odd socks.
  8. I always put my left on first, left sock, left shoe etc.
  9. I am lactose intolerant.
  10. I love to celebrate, anything.

The next task for me is to now tag 7 other bloggers. But I'm not entirely sure I know that many. There is one I would love to tag but she is on a bloggy break at the mo.

Liz from Bizzy Dayz
Kirsten from K & CO.
Jodie from Polka Dot Creative
Daisy from Daisy Roo and Two

Sorry I'm still just finding my feet, this is so new for me and I found it hard to start. Thanks so much for sticking with me on this. I hope I didn't bore your stupid.
If you think I should tag someone else PLEASE comment below.  xxxx

Thanks again x

Friday, 22 June 2012

Flashback Friday

Lets Flashback all the way to this day 3 years ago...


Have a great day x

Thursday, 21 June 2012

A three year olds Birthday party - fire truck style...

My baby turned three on Tuesday, THREE!


We held a party for him on Saturday just gone.

So when we asked him what he wanted to do for his birthday he said...I have a party.

Okay we said what type of party would you like... 

A fire truck party with hands on hips Because we should of known of course...

So the preparations of a firetruck party began... there was just one issue we were going to Fiji so I had to make the preparations and the party work around that because the designated date for said party was less then a week after we flew back in to Melbourne.

One thing I did discover though, Besides a pinata. No thats right NO suppliers have fire truck themed birthday supplies. Unless its Fireman Sam but Ronan isn't into Fireman Sam. 
He is into fire trucks.
So we created our own decorations and props by using some basic items.
With some extra help from a jumping castle.
I think by doing this we were able to create something a bit special for our little man.

It all worked out in the end so this is what happened.

Scatters and red and yellow alternated cups, just for that little fire truck love
We have gotten a silver numbered balloon every year. It is something I promised my self I would do when I was working at a party supply store just because I love them so much.
There are always balloons... ALWAYS!

This was given to him on his First Birthday from us and it is still one of the most loved outdoor toys.
The fire truck that we made for the party.
The lights on top flash as well {SPESH!}

This is something else we do every year. We cut the cake together.
Thanks to everyone who sent birthday wishes via instagram, text, phone and email.
He says he had a great day and that in the end is the main thing.

Any questions about anything please ask :0)


Wednesday, 20 June 2012

Fiji 2012

Fiji was is beautiful.
It was our first Overseas family holiday.

I think being there as apart of a big group really helped set the scene we strengthed friendships and made new ones {which for those who know me isn't an easy task} and if I had to do it again I would definitely do it with a group.

...again... HA!

it was an expensive trip, but only because we splurged. A LOT.

View from our room

They sang happy birthday to me and gave me cake... for breakfast...

The storm coming in and the beach on the resort was shut for two days
Wouldn't want to volunteer to clean this pool..

We went because we were invited to a wedding which was fabulous and why wouldn't it be it was on my birthday after all!   
We stayed longer to make it into a nice big holiday basically because we don't know when we will be doing something like this again. 
Unless your my Mum, because she seems to think I'll be on holiday in 5 years. She works on the theory of I was in Paris for my 22nd Fiji for my 27th so for my 32nd... She is more then welcome to fund my next overseas trip so I can keep this unrecognised tradition alive... time will tell I guess.

Have you been overseas for a special occasion?
Have you celebrated your birthday overseas?
Do tell your adventures so can start planning my 32nd lol!


Saturday, 16 June 2012

My very best friend

Today my friend, my very best friend. Gave me a card. A birthday card. With words in it that were so amazing, so thoughtful so true to heart with promise and love and dreams so big that neither of us can possibly reach them at this time. Dreams for me.
I love this girl more then anything. I love that's she loves for me. I love that she listens when I'm down. I love that she put some amazing words into a birthday card. She made me cry. They were tears of sadness. The were tears of dreams and tears of hope.
She could of written "happy birthday Tarz hope it was a good day."
But she didn't... Love your guts chick... More then you know.
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