Wednesday, 27 February 2013

Master L turns 1

I like to help, Its what I do.

I especially like to help when it comes to helping with putting on birthday parties... This is one example. The way I see it, birthdays deserve to be celebrated and if I can help make that happen then its a win in my book.
I don't do it for any other reason then, helping the party planners plans come to life and see them enjoying {usually via a smile thrown my way} all the hard work that has gone into organising the party come true.
That IS the best bit...seriously.

So discussions began with Lady S about the up coming birthday party and her plans to celebrate her little mans first birthday. Her plans were great plans... her plan eyes were waaaaay bigger then her plan belly lol. I offered help and she accepted. Good.

Last week we started putting these plans into action and started making things for the party. Oh the laughs... the late nights... and the hot milos... which I bet we both wished they were wines... but seeings that I am on a wine drinking hiatus {read pregnant} it was probably a good thing there wasn't any wines as the late nights made us delirious anyway.

The theme... Pirate party
The location. At Lady S's house
Things required... what all good pirate parties need really.
A treasure map, a game to coincide with said treasure map.
Loot bags,
An area to play,

The party was on Master L's actual birthday and as February weather can be either wet or hot, the party was for the late after noon with a bbq dinner.
We worked for several nights last week and both Saturday and Sunday to get all the plans into action... I think all the time and effort paid off :0)

A few shots of the day...

A place to play...

 All the pirates collected their treasure maps and bags and were on their way

Master R assessing his map

Stop one on the map, Shark cove... searching for gems

Stop two, Pirate Jewell's... collect your pearls

Stop three, Buried treasure... Dig for coins
with a bit of help
The game was a hit and the children loved it... a majority of the parents got involved which was so awesome to see.

Some, food shots...

A shark melon, which was filled with water melon and strawberries.

Sharks in the sea. Or jelly....

And the cake... Amaze...

And of course... The Birthday boy himself. The gorgeous Master L...
Arrrrrr me hearty.

Do you like to help with parties?
Are your plan eyes sometimes bigger then your plan belly?
What is your favourite theme?

Wednesday, 13 February 2013

Almost home sweet home

Everybody has some sort of issue with their neighbour hood.

Some have neighbours who mow at 9 at night.

Some have built beautiful homes only for the block next door to have units put on it

Some have motor bikes that use the bush land behind and beside there entire property 

Some have toss-bags with really totally awesome cars {read legally shouldn't be on the road} who cut laps through the estate that you live in and use the main road which has speed humps

All of the above except one is us... we deal with this... DAILY
Mind you these people use the main road as a race track. 

Today... three cars were racing each other.

Around and around and around and around

IT is hard to deal with. It is hard when your VERY tired three year old is screaming because the motor bike is revving right next to your property and then cuts laps behind it. This affecting our son. Making him so frightened he shakes because of the shear noise. 

Or with in seconds of said motorbike finally pissing off, the Cars start up... they are so so loud. And so not fair.

What people need to understand. Is this my HOME, not just any house, not just some house in a crappy area. 

When we bought this house we were young, naive.



Inside these walls we have renovated, painted... made plans of futures ours and our sons... had parties... celebrations... there has been tears... laughter, good and bad times.

We have worked hard to make this our home, whether I call it the crap shack or not.
This is our home...

And we deserve respect.


Well... Almost

 Image- Pinterest

We go to Kinder now

Last Friday was the first day of Kinder!

After weeks of 'feeling nerbous' he completely owned it 
*Happy Dance*

Here's a few photos of the morning...

"Check out my back pack Mumma... Check it out"

Off to the car we go... deep breaths Mumma

Waiting to be let in

And home again... signs of things to come I think lol

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