Im not big on change, don't like it, never have. But something has to give. Right?
When the year was just a freshy, when the dust and smoke was still settling on the HAPPY NEW YEAR partays Husby and I sat around the table in our lounge and wrote resolutions which we called Goals individual ones for the two of us {we like to see each other as two ppl} and some as a family {the family unit is important also.}
I have never done it before. Sure when asked in the past we've probably mumbled the usual
Stop eating crap
Loose the Chrissy kilos
Exercise more.
This year was a bit different more individually orientated not what I thought others wanted to hear. Some points are similar to Husby's some are WAYYYY different.
Here are some of what I wrote down
1} Be more organised
2} Make better food choices
3} Be the person I would want to meet
4} Get my Fiji body on
5} Learn to love myself
6} Be with those who also want to be with me
7} Stop disappointing myself
I am sharing for a reason. If you know then I have to do something right?
I am sharing for a reason. If you know then I have to do something right?
Well I am slowly taking charge of my organising
I have started making better choices in food especially when it comes to my allergies.
Has for the Fiji body, well I go for walks most days... if its not raining.
As for everything else its sort of out the window. Its March, almost the end of March actually and I think its fair to say that not much else has happened.
I've been in a bit of a funk lately which has made me regroup, re-assess, start again
One thing that didn't make the list I believe because its too painful is - extend the family
Yep we have trouble in this department I've heard it all really, It'll happen when you relax about it
It'll happen when you stop thinking about it
Take these drugs
Take these herbs
Take these vitamins
Take these herbs
Take these vitamins
Have you considered alternatives
Put your legs up in the air
Everybody around us is having, has had, is lucky to have extended their families.
We have one beautifully healthy, gorgeously mannered, funny, musically oriented son and we are grateful for him every day BUT we would love to give him a sibling.
When we first started planning our family we were planning on having the children around 2 to 2.5 years apart. Funny thing about plans they don't always work.
We have been told that our first born is some what of a miracle and that we may not be able to conceive successfully again.
Funny word success.
As I mentioned 2 and a half out of 6 goals are underway. This week THAT is CHANGING I have kept the same goals Im just looking at them differently.
If I get my Fiji body on I will Stop disappointing myself, Learn to love myself and be the person that I would want to meet.
There, 4 goals in 1
No pressure
If I get my Fiji body on I will Stop disappointing myself, Learn to love myself and be the person that I would want to meet.
There, 4 goals in 1
No pressure
To get my Fiji body on I set my self a challenge and it has a,
- - Length of time - 10 Weeks
- - Goal - 20 kilos
- - That was daunting- So I broke it down p/w now its not so daunting
- - To ask for help
Yesterday I asked a dear friend for help. Im not good at that. Don't think I have EVER done it before. I said, among many things...
... Im sick of always feeling lousy about myself and the factors of not being able to have another baby are playing on my mind...
She said YES {phew I was expecting rejection so that made my night}
Today I asked for help from family and another dear friend.
Okay its all in the open now. All eyes are on me.
Today is the day of change.
Today I am forcing myself to use whats left of my Gym membership and use it good. There is exactly enough weeks left as per my challenge, coincidence maybe, sign DEFINITELY.
Today I am forcing myself to use whats left of my Gym membership and use it good. There is exactly enough weeks left as per my challenge, coincidence maybe, sign DEFINITELY.
You all know now So I have to do something about it. Watch this space WATCH IT! You never know I may just surprise you
Who knows... maybe if I relax enough in Fiji and hold my legs up just right... you never know.
Wish me luck.
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