Thursday, 20 September 2012

Dear Spring

Dear Spring.


Stop just stop PLEASE
I know, I know its probably not fair to blame you but....

seriously... Its been a bit rough eh... Its barely past half way through the first month and so many rough things has happened already.

You may have read this, fair enough that might not be entirely your fault but... you know.

and then today... my car broke... kaput.... can not drive no more no more {yes that did just happen}

It is currently at the mechanics who is doing us a HUGE favour/grand gesture what ever you want to call it and we are lucky, so lucky that he was just up the road from where my car decided it didnt want to go any more, because we practically had to push it... no we didn't, but if we had to drive it {milk it} any further more things would have gone wrong and that would have just sucked.

Don't get me wrong Spring, I am not blaming you for what happen to the car... the car is well used {and very well looked after I would like to add} I have a serious, ser.iou.sssss love for cars and it is WELL looked after. I know what happened is a bit random... and totally uncalled for... but you know.

Spring I am unfortunately blaming you because you are the only common thing that is around when these two things have happened... sorry about that eh.

And because I know... OH I KNOW, things come in threes.

I'm waiting Spring, I'm waiting...


Sincerely... and totally annoyed


Monday, 17 September 2012

I survived today...

this is heavy... apologies, but I just need to get it off my chest.
At 2.35 this morning I was woken by something.
It is usually the dogs barking, but not this time. 
Well they were barking but that wasn't it.

After a few minutes I had realised.
It was over.
I had lost another one.

Another one.
I couldn't believe it, I am completely shattered.
As anyone would be.

I didn't want to do this alone this time,
Hubby didn't want to go to work

I sent him anyway.

He called people

He rallied my troops

I needed to be busy 

I needed to get out of the house

I needed 'be normal'

I took our Son to his music class. Because that's normal.

I had received numerous texts from
{after Hubby had called them} friends full of 
"I'm sorry to hear"
"I'm calling over... no discussion and too bad I'm coming over anyways"

There was chocolate on the door step when I got home.

Another friend let me just sit on the couch and we talked about anything else but the big giant polka dotted elephant in the room.

I came home just before hubby's home time

Flowers were walked through the front door followed by my gorgeous Husband who is hurting just as much as me but is more concerned about me then himself.

We resumed 'normal' night time routine.

I NEED to feel this normal.


I survived today because of these people.
I can not thank them any more then I have.

Thank you for helping me feel normal
Thank you for helping me get through the day.

Thank you.

Sunday, 16 September 2012

Off she goes.

A couple of weeks ago, my sister the only one I have so I have to look after her as I was told repeatedly throughout my childhood.

Flew out of the country on  a big jet plane...

She is off to see the world.

With no return date.

I'm a bit shattered by this eh.
For a couple of reasons really.
I wont get to see her physically for some time
I wont get to give her that Christmas morning hug... its a thingI am totally jealous. But then I have traveled so I shouldn't be, but I am...
Our Son misses her COMPLETELY!

As do I

So far its only been a couple of weeks. 
So it's just like she is on a little holiday.

People say I will get used to it... but I don't think I want to.
I totally one hundred bazillion percent hope she is having an time.
But I would like her to come home now...I have a feeling I'll be typing those nine words for a while yet

Friday, 14 September 2012

Project Life week Sept 3rd-9th

How are you?
Would you like a cuppa?
How do you have it?
There you go...

Okay so let me show you my latest week in PL.

I adore this hobby ABSOLUTELY adore it.

If you would like some more information on Project life go to Becky Higgins website and she will show you the ins and outs. But if thats not good enough comment below and I will help you out as best as I can. I am no professional but I love this stuff sick so thats professional enough in my opinion.

Any ways back to me...

Let me show you this week...
Its nothing flash mind you AND I didn't have that many photos and for those who know me personally know that, that is just CRAZY!

The full week...
All my photos are printed at home.

I used Amy Tan Papers and stamps this week. I like to mix my weeks up and this week Amy won.
I used her new date stamp for the week card this week. I have never done it before... I like it.

A good mix of Amy and the Clementine Collection.I went on a quick shopping spree with a friend the other day and we gave Typo a run for its money. That's where I got the heart stamp from.
That is a journalling card from the clementine collection sticking out from under the photo

I am keeping a weekly track of our sons plant.
Its a big deal in this house at the mo

Used some of Amy Tan's paper as a filler card I love the way it looks. I Also used some stamps on a plain grid card and was able to journal about two photos doing so.

Well thanks for stopping by, hopefully I'll see you next week.
I promise I'll have cake to go with the cuppa.

OH! before you go... look what else happened...
Did you see me concentrating REALLLLY hard?

Be good to you

Thursday, 13 September 2012

It's R U OK? Day.

I haven't been but I am getting there.

It has been a long process. 

It wasn't until someone had started the conversation for me that I realised I wasn't.

It took me a long time to accept that I wasn't okay

A long time.

But looking back at the last 18 months I can see where the signs were.

And there were some pretty big ones.

SO please, if you think that something isn't right with some one you know and love or you just feel you should ask.

PLEASE ask them if they are okay, because you never know, they may just need some one to ask them and to start the conversation for them.

So... R U Ok?


Wednesday, 12 September 2012

If you dont mind...

 Just when you have your head around the fact that you dont think you want to blog any more
{that was clear as mud wasn't it}.
You look at your blogger dash board and see that your page views has gone up by 250 views in the last week!
For this mere blog THAT IS A LOT.

This space gets me thinking more then you will ever know. 

I am always constantly thinking that I am letting my readers down by not writing often.

I'm constantly thinking about what I should write.

I'm constantly thinking about the stories I want to write about but they seem to get lost in translation between my brain and my fingers, so I never publish them.

The things I want to write about?
Well so many other super amazing blogs have already been there and done that. 
AND I dont want to bore you.

...Maybe I'm over thinking it...

I have seriously thought about just shutting this whole place down.

But I haven't

why? you ask.

Because you helped me...

All of you that are out there have listened to me carry on insistently about how hard it has been for me lately. A lot of you have messaged me privately to say "chin up charlie, it'll get better" and I appreciate that more then you will ever know.

So for now, if you dont mind but I will stick around just a little bit longer... to see if this is really for me or if it was something I needed while things were hard.

But while we are here.
What would you like to hear about?
Could you give me a bit of a clue of what you my lovelies would like to read about.

So that I can find a bit of my mo-jo.

Is there some kind of right of passage for new bloggers, to write about whats already been written until you find your groove.
Am I missing something?
Should I just quit while I'm ahead {I'm not much of a quitter tho}
I would love to hear from you.

Thursday, 6 September 2012

PL update

Funny how life is isn't it... I have promised  a PL update for a while now and every time I went to do it it just never got any further then taking photos of my album.

We have had a big couple of weeks here at the Everyday Happenings house, with my sister leaving for her overseas trip with no return date - more on that later. But for now...  here are the last couple of weeks in PL form.

Be good to you. 


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