Monday, 17 September 2012

I survived today...

this is heavy... apologies, but I just need to get it off my chest.
At 2.35 this morning I was woken by something.
It is usually the dogs barking, but not this time. 
Well they were barking but that wasn't it.

After a few minutes I had realised.
It was over.
I had lost another one.

Another one.
I couldn't believe it, I am completely shattered.
As anyone would be.

I didn't want to do this alone this time,
Hubby didn't want to go to work

I sent him anyway.

He called people

He rallied my troops

I needed to be busy 

I needed to get out of the house

I needed 'be normal'

I took our Son to his music class. Because that's normal.

I had received numerous texts from
{after Hubby had called them} friends full of 
"I'm sorry to hear"
"I'm calling over... no discussion and too bad I'm coming over anyways"

There was chocolate on the door step when I got home.

Another friend let me just sit on the couch and we talked about anything else but the big giant polka dotted elephant in the room.

I came home just before hubby's home time

Flowers were walked through the front door followed by my gorgeous Husband who is hurting just as much as me but is more concerned about me then himself.

We resumed 'normal' night time routine.

I NEED to feel this normal.


I survived today because of these people.
I can not thank them any more then I have.

Thank you for helping me feel normal
Thank you for helping me get through the day.

Thank you.

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