Monday 7 April 2014

[Lets Play] Dinosaur theme

It would seem that we have taken the dinosaur play from the other day to the next level.

This happens with most 'topics' of play we have in this house. We start with one activity and if Ronan shows a great interest in that theme we extend on it.

Its fun... and gets me thinking of new activities for him. We have been through the dinosaur theme several times, these are just normal activities that we do in this house and all I have done is add dinosaurs to them, to extend the activity into his interest... so this is what we have done this past week...

Dinosaur shaped pasta... along with long thin spaghetti, paddle-pop sticks and straws in our Jelly Play dough.

The benefits of play dough are Sensory/social/fine motor/maths & literacy/imagination & creativity, is there anything play dough can not do...

After their traipse through Dino Land, Ronan decided that the dinosaurs were now dirty and needed a bath.

Hello another sensory play! Warm soapy water... and 'dirty' dinos = happy & Busy little man

 He also decided that they needed a bask in the sun.

Then we made our Muffins... but this time we added pear instead of apple to our old faithful recipe and put them in... you guessed it... Dinosaur patty pans.

And for something a little new to Ronan... Dinosaur Bingo... Made by me during the week on Photoshop with some elements that I purchased and some I made myself.

It was a HIT... played over and over and over again.

Do you theme?
If so what is the theme at your house at the moment?
Baked anything good lately?

Your comments are not only awesome! They are inspiring!
Thank you.


  1. Love it Tara! I've a little dino fan who'd get a kick out of these ideas too. X

    1. Ohhh I can not wait to see what you come up with for Big. It's good fun extending their play with their current themes isn't it? x


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